There has been recent, not inconsiderable and expensive
debate as to the relationship between the Court’s powers to control costs
during the currency of litigation and the Court’s consequential rights to decide
the level of those costs once the proceedings themselves have been done and
The recently reported authority of Merrix v. Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust (Judgment of the
Queen’s Bench Division of the High Court, Birmingham District Registry) considered
this relationship. Judgment was handed
down on 24 February 2017.The question for the Court was this:
what extent, if at all, does the costs budgeting regime under CPR Part 3 fetter
the powers and discretion of the Costs Judge at a detailed assessment of costs
under CPR Part 47?”
The Judgment in Merrix
has now been upheld by a decision of the Court of Appeal in Harrison v. University Hospital Coventry
& Warwickshire NHS Trust [2017] EWCA Civ 792.
Before turning to a summary of the relevant case law and the
Courts’ stated approach, the following Glossary may well prove helpful.
Legal proceedings involving claims of complexity or
substantial sums of money or both.
Costs Management:
The power of the Court to control litigation costs by inter alia the imposition of Costs
Budgets [Section II, Part 3 CPR].
Costs Management
An Order made by the Court at a Costs Management Hearing in
legal proceedings which approves the amount of each party’s Costs Budget in
relation to future costs [CPR 3.15 (2)] (wholly exclusive of those costs which
have been incurred prior to the hearing itself).
Exceptions to Costs
Various types of claim are exempt from the Costs Management
regime; these are:
claims issued post-22 April 2014 for sums either
quantified at or viewed as likely to be in excess of £10,000,000.
claims issued post-6 April 2016 on behalf of
infants (that is persons under 18).
claims which are subject to a fixed or scale
costs regime or
where the Court orders otherwise.
Costs Budget:
Each party’s Costs Budget is considered at a Costs
Management Hearing. In plain terms a
Costs Budget is:
that amount which the Court decides is necessary
to be spent upon each phase or category of litigation work (e.g. taking proofs
of evidence).
put another way, the notional available fund
allocated by the Court to each phase of litigation work.
in contrast, it is not a cap nor a fixed amount
(that is, no floor, nor ceiling).
in context a Costs Budget has been described as
a “landscape” [per Mrs. Justice Carr: Merrix].
Whereas a detailed assessment is more akin to the “exploration of the terrain” of that costs landscape.
Costs Budget & other
When giving its approval to any party’s Costs Budget the
Court has a discretion to amend or reduce items in it. In doing so the Court will take account of
the following in particular:
the need to observe proportionality (that is to ensure that the legal costs of any
dispute bear a reasonable and proportionate relationship to the questions or
amounts involved); and
the overriding objective (that is, the central purpose upon which English legal
procedure is now founded: to ensure that all claims are dealt with justly).
Detailed assessment
of costs:
The procedure whereby the Court determines the level of
costs payable to the Winning Party (the
Receiving Party) by the Losing Party (the
Paying Party) either under the terms of a Settlement or under a Court
Standard Basis Costs:
A bias in favour of the Paying Party: if on detailed
assessment there is any doubt over the reasonableness of any item of work
claimed or the time spent upon it, that doubt is always resolved in favour of
the Paying Party.
Indemnity Costs:
A bias in favour of the Receiving Party: on detailed
assessment such if any doubt is always resolved in favour of the Receiving
Costs curtains:
Whether standard basis or indemnity, any costs claims viewed
as unreasonable in amount or unreasonably incurred will always be disallowed on
a detailed assessment [CPR 44.3 (2)].
Additional Costs
curtain: Proportionality:
As emphasised earlier, costs must bear a reasonable
relationship to the amounts at stake.
Detailed Assessment
of Costs: relevant factors:
On a detailed assessment the Court may take into account any
or all of the following factors; these in turn may well inform the Court’s
ultimate Costs Award:
· the party’s conduct
· any attempts to settle
· the amount of the sums in dispute
· importance
· complexity, difficulty or novelty
· the level of skill involved
· the time spent thereon
· the place at which the work was done; and
· the contents of last Approved Costs Budget.
Merrix: synopsis:
Mrs. Merrix [M] was a successful Claimant against the
Respondent Health Authority [HE]. She
was awarded compensation for their clinical negligence. During the case the Court made a Costs
Management Order. It approved Mrs. M’s Costs
Budget in the total sum of circa
£74,780 of that amount related to her estimated future
Mrs. M’s claims settled before trial. An appreciable portion of her estimated
future costs were thereby avoided. This
meant that there was an underspend on her Approved Costs Budget. Accordingly Mrs. M argued that her reduced
costs should be allowed as she was under budget unless HE could show that there
was a good reason to the contrary.
HE disagreed. They
wanted a full detailed assessment of Mrs. M’s costs. They argued that simply because the Court had
chosen to approve Mrs. M’s Costs Budget this was only one factor. HE contended that detailed assessment should
be at large; the earlier Approved
Costs Budget should not be determinative nor bind the Court’s hands on a
detailed assessment.
Mrs. M’s argument succeeded.
The Judge decided that where a Costs Management Order had
been made, when assessing Mrs. M’s costs on the standard basis, the Costs Judge
should not depart from the Receiving
Party’s last approved or agreed Costs
Budget unless satisfied that there was good
reason to do so.
This approach applies as much as where the Receiving Party
claims a sum equal to or less than
their Approved Costs Budget as where they may seek to recover more than the amount of that Budget
Harrison v. University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire NHS
Trust [2017] EWCA Civ 792:
This was a decision of three Lord Justices of Appeal sitting
in the Court of Appeal, Civil Division. Their
Lordships’ Judgment was handed down on 21 June 2017.
The questions for the Court of Appeal covered the same broad
territory as Merrix and were these:
[Issue 1]: where a Costs Management Order [CMO] approving a Costs
Budget has been made in litigation is a Costs Judge on a subsequent detailed
assessment precluded from making an
Award below the budgeted amount, unless satisfied that there is good reason to
do so? (The very same point as in Merrix); and
[Issue 2]: in relation to those costs incurred prior to the Budget (“incurred costs”) is the Court similarly
constrained on a detailed assessment (that is, is it effectively bound by the
amount of those incurred costs as notified to the Court, absent of good reason?)
Harrison: synopsis
The Respondent Mrs. Harrison [H] had undergone a caesarean
section at a hospital operated by the Appellant [UCH]. Mrs. H’s compensation claims were limited to
£50,000. Eventually they settled before
trial for £20,000. Settlement was upon
terms which provided for Mrs. H’s costs to be subject to detailed assessment
and paid upon the standard basis.
During the currency of her claims there had been a Costs
Management Order. Mrs. H’s incurred costs were exempt from the
Costs Management regime and had totalled some £108,000.
Mrs. H’ budgeted costs (that is future costs) had been approved by the Court at £89,000.
Following settlement of her compensation claims, Mrs. H’s
solicitors submitted a Bill of Costs for detailed assessment. This came to over £467,000. (The Bill
included a Success Fee and a claim for the refund of a premium paid for
insurance protection against the risk of Mrs. H having to meet her opponent’s
CPR 3.17:
The Court of Appeal considered the following provisions of
CPR 3.17:
any case where a Costs Management Order has been made, when assessing costs on
the standard basis, the Court will –
(a) have regard to the Receiving Party’s last
approved or agreed budget for each phase of the proceedings;
(b) not depart from such approved or agreed
budget unless satisfied that there is good reason to do so”
Issue 1: Approved
Costs Budgets
In relation to Issue 1
the Court of Appeal upheld Merrix and
in full.
An Approved Costs Budget was viewed as effectively determinative;
the Court stated that no departure from it should be made without good reason.
Issue 2 : incurred
On Issue 2 the
Court of Appeal’s decision provided equal clarity and certitude: all costs which
had been incurred prior to the date of the Costs Budget (that is, incurred
costs) fell outside the Costs Management regime.
This meant that if a party has been ordered to pay incurred
costs but later requests those incurred costs to be subject to detailed
assessment, that detailed assessment will be conducted in the usual way.
There is therefore no added requirement for the Receiving
Party to show good reason if their
Bill of Costs submitted for detailed assessment differs markedly from the
quantum of incurred costs notified to the Court on a Costs Management Hearing (albeit
undoubtedly the Receiving Party will be required to justify any marked increases).
On detailed assessment the Court will continue to apply the tests
of reasonableness and proportionality when deciding the level
of costs that the Receiving Party can recover.
Good reason:
What might be a good
reason as would justify the Receiving Party’s ability to depart from their
Approved Costs Budget?
The view respectfully taken is that such would constitute an
item of work either novel, untoward and entirely unforeseen or unforeseeable at
the point of the making of the Costs Management Order (that is the Court’s
approval to the Costs Budget).
Support for this view may be gleaned from the following
Full Circle Limited v. AMEC Earth & Environmental (UK) Limited [2013] EWHC
1643 [TCC]. In this case the Court
was of the view that where expert evidence had not been anticipated nor
provided for in the budget but was subsequently required this was a sufficient
good reason to support departure.
v. Boot [2016] EWHC 1322 [QB] is a case in contrast. The Court refused the Claimant’s Appeal
(against a decision of the Court below) rejecting an Application to amend his
Costs Budget. In Churchill the costs claim had doubled, there had been a delay in
getting to trial by between 6 to 9 months, additional disclosure had been
necessary and this in turn had led to the need to make and serve updated
evidence. The Court took the view that
the case “had gone out of control”
and that there had been “no regard nor
respect for” the budget and the amount that the Court had earlier allowed
to be spent. This, it is submitted, is an
instance at the somewhat extreme end of the costs spectrum.
The purpose of a Costs Budget is effectively to curtail the need for detailed assessment. At the end of the dispute when seeking to
agree costs all parties should be guided by the Approved Costs Budget. Only if there is a good reason should there be any appreciable departure therefrom.
Should a Receiving Party’s actual costs fall below those which were contained
within their Approved Costs Budget this is not
a departure from it.
A departure
only occurs where a Receiving Party attempts to recover sums going appreciably beyond their Approved Costs
Budget: in that event good reason
needs to be shown.
costs (that is those incurred prior to the date of the Costs Management
Order) fall outside the scope of the
Costs Management regime. Nonetheless on a
detailed assessment there must, it is respectfully submitted, be a reasonable nexus between:
(i) the amount of incurred costs notified
to the Court on a Case Management Hearing and
(ii) those ultimately claimed within the Bill
of Costs upon a detailed assessment.
On detailed assessment, when the Court comes to
consider both the quantum of:
(i) budgeted costs (no departure therefrom
without good reason) and
(ii) incurred costs
the Costs Judge is still obliged to
take the resulting aggregate figure
of both categories and decide whether the costs overall subscribe to the proportionate.
The purpose of the Costs Budget regime and its
implementation ought to limit the scope or need for a detailed assessment of
budgeted costs at the end of the day and considerably so.
A good reason for departure from a Costs Budget
is likely to be founded upon matters which were not foreseen at the point of
the Costs Management Order but which if allowed still subscribe to the
proportionate and reasonable.
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