“I burnt one candle to
seek another, and lost bothe my time and my trauell (work)”
(Stephen Gosson : The
Ephemerides of Phialo, 1579)
Poor Mr. Gosson would appear to have fared badly: the meagre
earnings from his midnight candle were only sufficient to pay for the cost of
its replacement! Perhaps a little
forethought would have been in order.
Caution must also be an essential watchword - when deciding
whether to incur the costs of an Appeal – particularly if you are seeking to
challenge the discretion exercised by the Court below.
The recently reported authority of EIL v. Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council is a case in
point; it makes for salutary reading.
The adult Claimant (EIL) claimed damages arising from a
teacher’s sexual assault upon him when a pupil at a comprehensive school. It is now settled law that a local authority
may be held liable for such a matter, if the occasion for the assault has
arisen from the employment of the teacher in question.
CMC and costs
In keeping with current practice the Court was required to examine
the Pretrial costs of the parties.
Those costs were considered at a special hearing known as a
Costs and Case Management Conference (CMC).
There were two elements of costs involved:
(a) the parties’ actual costs incurred to the CMC; and
(b) those further costs estimated to
include trial.
Prior to the CMC each party had submitted details of (a) and
Costs Budget
The conduct of all Civil Litigation in England and Wales
(including for instance a CMC) are governed by the Civil Procedure Rules
(CPR). CPR 3.15 empowers the Court to:
the costs incurred (and in respect of future costs) to set a budget.”
Setting a Costs Budget may have a dramatic and beneficial
Knowing the overall costs in store should serve wonderfully
to concentrate all parties’ minds and encourage them to look at economic ways
of bringing an early end to their particular dispute.
Such knowledge provides a clear persuasive impetus for
Detailed Assessment
of Costs
If part of negotiations to settle include a request by one
party to contribute towards their costs what is the solution if the
contribution is acceptable in principle but the amount cannot be agreed?
Might the opportunity of an early settlement be lost solely
because of costs considerations?
The solution can be straightforward: it is open to the
parties to agree terms of compromise which include the condition that any costs
contribution be assessed by the Court.
This is known as a detailed
assessment of costs which – in relation to any sums below £50,000 normally
takes place before a Costs Officer; higher than that the assessment is carried
out by a Costs Judge.
Approved Costs Budget
: determinative
When it comes to detailed assessment (under CPR 3.18) a
Costs Judge will usually rely upon the last approved Costs Budget. The Costs Judge will not lightly depart from
it - unless satisfied that there is good reason for so doing.
ELI v. Knowsley MBC
At the CMC the Claimant’s (a) actual costs and (b) estimated
fees were roughly equivalent to each other.
They totalled £104,373.
The main question was whether EIL’s earlier delay in
bringing his claim should bar him from proceeding. If, on the other hand, he was allowed to
continue, what then were the steps required to prepare his compensation claims
for trial? How much should be allowed in
the way of a costs budget for that work?
The Court was quite scathing in its criticism of the Claimant’s
costs claimed; it described (b), the
estimate, as excessive or outrageous.
Court’s Costs Ruling
Following argument, the Court allowed the Claimant £55,397.75
(about £30,000 of actual costs and another £25,000 or so for future costs).
The Claimant was not happy at the Court limiting his costs
in this way.
Two sums had been claimed for the costs of the CMC:
(i) actual costs incurred (to the point at which the Costs
Statement had been prepared): £2,493.50; and
(ii) the Claimant’s estimated further costs of the CMC (which
- by the time of the CMC - had been incurred too): £2,310.00.
At the CMC the Court agreed to allow (i) in full but awarded
nothing for the estimated costs at (ii).
Accordingly the Court confined the Claimant’s total costs of
the CMC to £2,493.50.
Double Jeopardy
The Court had been trenchant in its criticisms of the
Claimant’s costs levels.
The Claimant had already lost effectively half of his costs
of the CMC. If there were a detailed
assessment might there be further inroads made into the figure of £2,493.50?
In other words, was there a risk of double jeopardy?
Amongst other points, the Claimant chose to Appeal the
Court’s decision to limit his costs of the CMC.
The Appellate Court viewed the Claimant’s fears as well
founded: it recognised that there was a real risk that a Costs Judge might take
an axe to the sum allowed for the CMC (£2,493.50) because of the Lower Court’s
earlier costs criticisms.
Approved Costs Budget
The Appellate Court subscribed to the beauty of simplicity: it
adjudged that the £2,493.50 awarded at the CMC should be treated as an Approved Sum. This meant that even if there was a detailed
assessment, the Costs Judge was effectively bound by this figure.
This gave the Claimant elemental protection.
However there was an unhappy sting in the tail.
Allowing for other items on Appeal, the Claimant’s Appeal costs
overall had amounted to shortly over £11,500.
When presented with these Appeal costs the Appellate Judge
held that the Claimant’s Appeal could not have been:
sensible expenditure of money, a proportionate use of Court time or a rational
exercise at all that costs of this Order should have been incurred in pursuing
so very little.”
Accordingly the Claimant ultimately lost out, he was not awarded
the not insignificant costs of his Appeal.
There are some useful reminders or pointers.
(1) Compromise
Put shortly the Claimant had had a number of points which he
legitimately wished to pursue on Appeal.
Compromise of his claims changed all of that. It limited the range of arguments to one or
two items including the costs of the CMC.
The scenery had shifted.
(2) Costs/Benefit
Given that the scope and range of arguments by the time of
the Appeal hearing had radically reduced (owing to the pretrial settlement) it
was essential to conduct a ruthless examination of the likely costs/benefit
ratio of continuing.
Put bluntly, when all was said and done, would the likely
costs of Appeal be worth the candle?
The Appellate Court clearly thought not.
Accordingly it is wise to tread warily when looking to
pursue the time and costs of an Appeal. Careful
assessment needs to be made of the benefits that might ensue - in comparison
with the inevitable burden of costs that an Appeal would incur.